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John Lennon filma Cómo gané la guerra en España

Location shooting began in Spain on this day for How I Won The War, the Richard Lester film which featured John Lennon in the minor role of Private Gripweed. It was while in Spain that Lennon wrote Strawberry Fields Forever, which initially had the title.Dick Lester offered me the part in this movie, which gave […]

George y Pattie Harrison celebran una conferencia de prensa en India

On 14 September 1966, George and Pattie Harrison had arrived in Bombay (Mumbai) in India. The purpose of their visit was for George to take sitar lessons with Ravi Shankar, and for the couple to study yoga. The Harrisons stayed at the Taj Mahal hotel in Bombay, under the names Mr and Mrs Sam Wells. […]